The installation of insulated ceilings can have a marked impact on the thermal efficiency and overall comfort of a living space. Our professional installation process is designed to be as seamless and non-disruptive as possible, while also ensuring a high-quality outcome.

The first step in the process is a comprehensive assessment of the existing ceiling, including an examination for potential issues such as leaks or structural deficiencies. Any necessary repairs or preparations will be made prior to the insulation installation.
Next, a treated timber subframe is installed on the underside of the existing roof beams. The subframe is engineered to provide a precise fit and secure foundation for the insulation material. 

We use multi-layered insulation material, that is highly thermally efficient, compliant with building regulations, and fire-retardant certified.
The insulation material is then installed to fully cover the underside of the ceiling, creating a thermal barrier that improves the overall climate control of the space.
Following this, a second treated timber subframe is installed to provide added support and stability to the ceiling structure. This also allows for the installation of a final finish, such as plaster, to be applied.

The final step is to apply a plaster finish to the ceiling, creating a smooth and cohesive surface that blends seamlessly with the existing decor.
The installation of insulated ceilings can greatly improve the thermal efficiency and comfort of a living space, while also reducing noise levels, and ultimately providing a sound long-term investment in the property.

A plastered insulated ceiling is a type of conservatory roofing system that can be installed as a replacement for an existing conservatory roof ceiling. This type of ceiling system combines insulation with a plaster finish to provide both thermal and aesthetic benefits.

The process involves installing an insulated layer on top of the existing frame, followed by a layer of plasterboard, which is then finished with a skim coat of plaster to provide a smooth, seamless finish. The plaster finish can be painted or wallpapered to match the existing decor of the room.

• Increased energy efficiency: The insulation in the ceiling helps to reduce heat loss and keep the conservatory more comfortable all year round.

• Improved thermal performance: The insulated ceiling helps to retain heat during the winter and coolness during the summer.

• Enhanced acoustics: Plastered insulated ceilings can improve sound insulation, making the conservatory a more comfortable place to spend time.

• Increased durability: Plastered insulated ceilings are a long-lasting, sturdy and durable option for conservatory roofs.

• Aesthetically pleasing: The plaster finish can be painted or wallpapered to match the existing decor of the room, giving a cohesive look to the conservatory.

• Versatility: The plaster finish can be customized to suit any style, with a variety of textures and finishes available.

Our team of skilled professionals will install the plastered insulated ceiling, ensuring that it is properly sealed and fitted for optimal performance. We will also provide you with all the necessary paperwork and warranty information, as well as a final walk-through to ensure you are completely satisfied with the work.

Solid Wise Solutions